
You need a lot of bottle tops!
Make sure you have some days for preparation.
The easies way to collect the bottle tops is to ask a nearby cafe to collect
them for you, for a good purpose.
Some schools sell water and otherdrinks, you can ask there too, even
easier. But here you may not get the metal ones.

Size: When you use the plastik bottle tops, make sure you use the enlarged
PDF-printouts for the boards (+10%), otherwise the board will be too small.
You can use the large board for the metal bottle tops too, as long as it
is still easy to hande for the pupils.

We recommend: You can let your pupils make their own little chess game
in a special lesson at school. We recommend you do this by yourself beforehand, in order to make sure everything fits and works well.

For a class of 40 children you need:
- 40 x 32 = 1280 clean bottle tops (plus reserve)
(all bottle tops should be washed before use!)
- 40 copies of printouts chess pieces
- 2 x40 copies of printouts of chess board
- some good card board, which you can collect from a nearby market
- about 20 tubes of glue (can be less, but children need share)
We recommend tubes of glue, the Pritt stick will let the paper fall off after a while.
- about 20 sissors
Printouts DIN-A4: one sheet for the chess pieces,
another two sheets for the chess board.
Not much needed: some tubes of glue and a few simple sissors,
often already present at schools.

Dont' forget to let the children clean the place onec the
chess games are finished!
To the right: Still some coardboard left for the next school . . .

Time needed:
For pupils of grade 2 or grade 3 it takes about one hour to make
o n e chess set by themselves, without being in a hurry.
The next chess set is made a bit quicker - so with another
30 Minutes you have the 2nd chess set, and all pupils have their
own set.
This should be their personal set, they should be allowed to take it home!
It makes sense to first make the board, then cut out the pieces
and glue them on the bottle tops.